kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Post Graduate Department of Computer Application


The Department of Computer Application, was established in 2002, with MCA course (Approved by AICTE New Delhi) with an intake of 60 students. Later, BCA course has been started in the year 2010. Both the courses are affiliated to MG University, Kottayam.
Ever since its inception, the Department of Computer Application is marking an outstanding impression on the student community and supplying skilled software professionals to corporates all over the globe.

 The department provides a sound foundation of theoretical concepts, in-depth working knowledge of technology and hands-on experience in computer hardware and software. It helps students to explore emerging trends and improve creative skills and provide quality education in the field of computer science.


  • To promote Skilled and Pioneering Computer Professionals through excellence in teaching and training.


  • To yield competent software professionals, inspired to learn the emerging technologies and to be innovative in solving real world problems.
  • To better understand the role of computing in the world around them; and learn, perform, and express themselves in other subjects and interests.
  • To promote research activities amongst the students and the members of faculty that could benefit the society


  • To attract young minds to the potentially rich & employable field of computer applications.
  • To be a foundation programme which will act as a feeder course for higher studies in the area of Computer Science/Applications.
  • To develop skills in software development so as to enable the graduates to take up self-employment in Indian & global software market.
  • To Train & Equip the students to meet the requirement of the Industrial standards.
  • To demonstrate a sound knowledge in key areas of computer science or industrial computing.
  • To develop sound practical skills to enable them to addressing problems which arise from computer.


Course Intake Admission Procedure
MCA 60 Management Admission :50% of the total intake
Merit Admission :50% of the total intake is purel admitted through LBS
The eligible candidate can submit duly filled application form or can apply online.     
BCA 120 Management Admission :50% of the total intake
Merit Admission :50% of the total intake is purely admitted through UG CAP of MG University.
The eligible candidate can submit duly filled application form or can apply online.
B.Sc Cyber Forensics 40 Management Admission :50% of the total intake
Merit Admission :50% of the total intake is purely admitted through UG CAP of MG University.
The eligible candidate can submit duly filled application form or can apply online.

