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The Code of Conduct Committee of Kristu Jyoti College of Management & Technology published the revised version of Code of Conduct for all the stakeholders of the college in college website on Wednesday 21st August 2024. The revised version contains all the responsibilities and duties that are to be mantled by all the stakeholders of the college such as Manager, Principal, Vice-Principal, HODs, Class tutors, teachers, non-teaching staff and the students. The revised version also lays down in a comprehensive manner the rules and regulations meant to be followed by different functionaries of the college as well. The purpose behind the publication is to construct a base on which the day to day functioning of the college can be carried out in letter and spirit.
An Orientation Program was conducted by the Code of Conduct or Ethic Cell in order to remind the faculty members of the institution about the manners and mannerisms and dos and don’ts, the stakeholders do have to do while working in the college. This orientation programme has done immense benefit to all the stakeholders of Kristu Jyoti College in understanding the various rules and regulations, manners and mannerisms, behavioral patterns and ethical principles, dos and don’ts, acceptable ways and means and disciplined norms, they have to adhere to while being part of this mighty educational hub.
The orientation keynote address was given by the Principal Dr Joshy George by reminding the teachers that they should constantly be the best ethical example possible by following the morale in their realm of teaching. As a teacher is engaged in the most morally demanding profession they are reminded about their duty towards their fellow wardsk
Code of Conduct Awareness Campaign was conducted by the Code of Conduct or Ethic Cell in order to remind the first year students of the institution about the manners and mannerisms and dos and don’ts, the students do have to do while or studying in the college. This Awareness Campaign has done immense benefit to the students of Kristu Jyoti College in understanding the various rules and regulations, manners and mannerisms, behavioral patterns and ethical principles, dos and don’ts, acceptable ways and means and disciplined norms, they have to adhere to while being part of this mighty educational hub.
As part of the awareness campaign, Dr. Joshy George, Principal of KJCMT took a session for the 1st year B.Com, M.Com and BBA students on 22/01/2025, Dr. Joshy George, Principal of KJCMT and Ms. Smitha Retnan, faculty of Language department took a session for the 1st year M A HRM, MCA, MSc. Psychology and BSc. Psychology students on 23/01/2025 and Ms. Sruthymol Joseph, Convener of Ethics cell and faculty of Commerce Department took a session for the 1st year BSW, MSW, BCA, BSc Geology and BSc. Cyber Forensic students on 24/01/2025. In this campaign, the Code of Conduct Book was handed over to the HoDs of each department by Ms. Sruthymol Joseph, Convener of the Code of Conduct cell and gave a short briefing of the Code and Conduct of the institution to the respective department teachers. Later all the Class tutors and HoDs of various departments took Code of Conduct awareness sessions for their respective classes on the scheduled dates.
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