kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Film Club




The Postgraduate Department of Commerce has taken initiative in inculcating research-based activities among the students under the umbrella of the research club. This platform is given to students and faculty members to explore unlimited thoughts and ideas on current issues in commerce.

The research club involves the academic fraternity in conducting various workshops, seminars, and conferences within the department and also as a part of faculty extension activities. The following objectives will highlight the importance and purpose of the research club.



  • To motivate students to participate in research activities
  • To guide students for their project dissertation.
  • To teach students the usage of library e-resources
  • To coordinate workshops, conferences, and FDP
  • To conduct inter-class competitions and events such as poster presentations, case study presentations, research quizzes, and so on.
  • To encourage faculty and students to publish articles and release handbooks.
  • To encourage faculty and students to participate in workshops, conferences and paper presentations
  • To showcase the list of faculty and student publications.
  • To publish an online journal on a quarterly basis.
  • To provide research consulting services.
  • To report and record the research activities on a real-time basis.

Committee Members

Sl. No. Name of the Faculties Designation Position in RC
1 Dr.Anu Antony Associate Professor, IQAC Coordinator & PG Course Coordinator Convenor
2 Ms. Thushara Sojan Assistant Professor Co-Convenor