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Date: 22nd June 2022 to 26th June 2022
Mode of Conduction: Via Google Form
The national-level online quiz initiated by the research club was held from 22nd June 2022 to 26th June 2022 in association with the post-graduate department of commerce. The quiz was conducted on the topic “Emerging trends in Accounting and management”. The duration of the quiz was 30 minutes. 50 multiple-choice questions were included in the quiz and each question carried one mark. The quiz was attended by 391 participants. There was only one chance for each participant and questions from accounting, management, and commerce were included.
Webinar on Introduction to Research and Importance
Date: 02nd August, 2022
Time: 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Research Club in association with Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry, organised Webinar on introduction to research and importance on 2nd August 2022, from 6:00pm to 7:00 pm. Ms. Milcah Elizabeth Shibu, Assistant Professor, Department of commerce, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry was the resource person. The webinar was conducted on the google meet platform. This webinar was mainly organized for the M. Com Students of the college. The programme began with a prayer song. The session was very motivating and informative to the participants. The webinar section was followed by a question and answer session during which the participants got a chance to clear their queries.
Expected outcome:
Webinar on Roadmap to Research
Date: 08th August, 2022
Time: 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Research club in association with post graduate department of commerce, organizes webinar on Roadmap to research on 8th August 2022, at 6.00 pm. Mr. Abin Jose, Doctoral Fellow, Government arts college, Trivandrum was the resource person. The Platform used was Google Meet. Total of 34 participants were take part in the workshop from M. Com second year batch as the target group was M. Com students. The programme begins with a prayer by Ms. Richu. Ms. Riya (M. Com student, Department of post graduate department of Commerce) delivered the welcome speech. The session covers with how to start a research, different types of research, determining the topic for research and so on. The session was very much informative for the participants, as it was delivered in very simple and precise manner. In the end of the session, there was a question answering session to clarify the queries of the participants. The Webinar ends with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Anagha (M. Com student, Department of Commerce, Kristu Jyoti College).
Expected outcome:
Student Exchange Program on “SPSS and Data Analytics”
Post Graduate Department of Commerce in association with Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) organizes student exchange program on “SPSS and Data Analytics” from 20th September 2022 to 24th September 2022, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Dr. Sreejith S (Assistant Professor, CUSAT, Kerala), Dr. Girish S Pathy (Associate Professor, Bhavan’s Royal Institute of Management, Kerala) were the resource persons. The Program was conducted in Google meet platform for the first two days and the program was conducted in offline mode for the remaining days. Total of 17 participants were take part in the workshop. The second year M. Com students were the participants. This program helped the students in getting more knowledge on what is SPSS and thus promoted their interest in doing research activity
Report On National Paper Presentation
Research Club in association with Post Graduate Department of Commerce of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organizes National paper presentation on 16th September 2022, from 9:15 am to 3:00 pm. The Program was conducted both offline and online mode. Dr. Anu Antony was the moderator for the online session. Dr. Mathew Emmanuel, Ms. Anu Mercy, Ms. Anu Gayak, Mr. Thomaskutty M.O, Ms. Jisna, Mr. Deepu C Vijay were the moderators for offline program. The offline program was conducted in classrooms 707 and 803. Total of 11 participants presented their papers in the online mode. Online presentation was done through Google meet platform. The programme begins with a prayer song by Ms. Richu of second year M. Com batch. Ms. Milcah Elizabeth Shibu (Assistant professor, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry) delivered the welcome speech. Fr. Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI (Principal, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry) inaugurated the national paper presentation and delivered the inaugural address. The outcome of the program was to create an insight into the meaning of research and to make the students capable of understanding and making them to present the paper effectively.The program ends with the valedictory session at 3pm
Literature Review: Bibliometric Analysis
Post Graduate Department of Commerce with Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) conducted webinar on Literature Review: Bibliometric Analysis on 3rd December 2022 at 10.00 am. The session was taken by Dr. M. Suresh Kumar (Director, Kerala State planning board member. The session includes various fields of research, Literature review and also on bibliometric analysis.
Report On Systematic Literature Review & Bibliometric Analysis
Post Graduate Department of Commerce in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell & Research & IPR Cell, organises Workshop on Systematic Literature Review & Bibliometric Analysis on 18th November 2022, at 10.00am in the Seminal Hall. Mr. Abin P Jose (Doctoral Fellow, Government Arts College, Trivandrum) was the Chief Guest. There were 41 participants for the programme. The programme begins with a prayer song. Dr. Varghese Antony (Vice Principal & HOD of Commerce) delivered the welcome speech. Mr. Abin P Jose handled the session detailing systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. The relevance of the concept was clearly highlighted. There was a question answering session to clarify the doubts of the participants. The workshop ends with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms. Sunitha N Salam (Research Scholar LUCMRC).
Workshop on SPSS and Data Analysis
Post Graduate Department of Commerce in association with Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous) organizes student exchange program on “SPSS and Data Analytics” from 20th September 2022 to 24th September 2022, from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Dr. Sreejith S (Assistant Professor, CUSAT, Kerala), Dr. Girish S Pathy (Associate Professor, Bhavan’s Royal Institute of Management, Kerala) were the resource persons. The Program was conducted in Google meet platform for the first two days and the program was conducted in offline mode for the remaining days. Total of 17 participants were take part in the workshop. The second year M. Com students were the participants. This program helped the students in getting more knowledge on what is SPSS and thus promoted their interest in doing research activity.
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