kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Activity Calendar 2023-2024

Activity I- Aids Day Observance

Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organised a Seminar  on 1 December 2023, at 2.00 pm. at Seminar Hall. Dr. Varghese Antony, Vice Principal and HOD of Post Graduate Department of Commerce delivered the presidential address. Dr. Sreejith Nair, Consultant Clinical psychologist of St. Thomas Hospital Chethipuzha took a Seminar on the topic “Adolescence Mental Health and Sexual Wellbeing.”A Total of 70 students from First year B.Com of Finance and taxation (Batch 1) and Computer Application (Batch 2) attended the program.  The program began with a prayer song. Ms. Vismaya Nair delivered the welcome address. Mr. Geo Shaji Introduced the resource person. The program ends with the vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Abel George.


Activity II-The right to know day 

Post Graduate Department of Commerce of Kristu Jyoti College of    Management and Technology, Changanassery in, organizes a seminar on Right to Know for the Final Year B. Com students on 29 September 2023 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am.  Adv. Ajay Chandrashekaran Changanacherry Bar Association was the resource person. The right to know day is a day on which we acknowledge our right to seek and access information.


Activity II-The right to know day 

The final year finance and Taxation Batch 1 students observed Quit India Day on 9th August,2023. The activity has two sessions;the first session is handled by Mr.Binu M.C,in which he engages the students with the history of Quit India Movement.The session took place at Conference hall at 2pm.Rev.Dr.Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI(Principal),Dr.Varghese Antony(Vice Principal and HOD of Commerce Department) and Mr.Thomaskutty M.O(Course Coordinator) also attended the session.The first session lasted for one hour. Students from different departments participated in the session.The second session of the programme was a quiz competition on the topic ‘History of Indian Independence”. The competition was held from 3pm in room no 707 of Chavara Block. The mode of the quiz was writing, The competition witnessed a wide participation from different departments.