kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696


Awards and Achievements

ISO Certification

ISO Certification 9000-2015 is the international standard for a quality management system.  The college has cobbled together all mechanisms and competencies to achieve this milestone of ISO certification.  All the departments of the college made various files in order to streamline their functioning to attain the target of ISO certification.

Partner Institute Oracle Academy

Kerala Startup Mission Nodal Center

Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM, formerly known as Technopark TBI) is the central agency of the Government of Kerala for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in Kerala, India. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (Inovus Labs) of Kristu Jyoti college was given a green signal from KSUM in the year 2007.  

Member – UN Academic Impact Program

 The united Nations Academic Impact is an international initiative that aims institutions of higher education with the  united nations and contributing to the goals of UN including the promotion and protection of human rights acess to   education and sustainability. Kristu Jyoti College has become the part of UNAI in 2016 to work along with the aims of the United Nations.

Partner Institute with ICT Academy, Kerala