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Members of the counselling cell
Rev. Fr. Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI
Principal, Kristu Jyoti College
Ms. Annie Thomas
College Counsellor, KCMT
Availability: On all working Days
Dr. Angel Thomas
Clinical Psychologist, Mar Sleeva Medicity, Pala
Availability: On every Tuesday
Importance of Counselling among students
Counselling cell of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized a session on the Importance of Counselling among College Students as part of Inauguration of Counselling Cell on 29th September 2022, at 11.15 a.m. Ms. Kavita Shanmughan Assistant Professor Chinmay Vishwa Vidhyapeeth was the resource person. The event was held at KJ Auditorium. Total of 110 participants were take part in the session. The programme began with a prayer song by Ms. Meenakshi P Nair of 1st year M.Sc. Psychology. Mr. Don Savio of first year B.Sc. Psychology delivered the welcome speech. Fr. Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI (Principal, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry) has delivered the presidential address. The guest introduction was delivered by Fathima Shahjahan of 1st year B.Sc. Psychology. Then the session of Ms. Kavita Shanmughan has started. The outcome of the program was to create an insight into the meaning of Counselling and its importance. The participants were provided with so many activities to enhance their Counselling Skills. The session was ended with a vote of thanks which was delivered by Ms. Rhea Alice.
Academic Enhancement Program
Counselling cell in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized an Academic Enhancement program to improve the performance in the examination on 21st August 2023 in Seminar Hall, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Mr. Jefin M Reji, Counsellor, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology was the resourse person. A total of 44 participants attended the session. The program begins with a prayer song by Ms. Abiya Johnson of 1st year BSc. Psychology. Ms. Shaleena Louiepaul of 1st year BSc Psychology delivered the welcome speech. The Presidential address was delivered by Fr. Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI. The session wound up with a vote of thanks by Ms. VrindhaVinayan of 2nd year
BSc Psychology.
Examination Stress Management Program
Counselling cell in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized an Examination Stress Management program to reduce examination related stress in students and to improve the performance in the examination on 27th November 2023 in Seminar Hall, from, 10:00 am - 1:15 pm. Ms. Beauna Mariya Mathew, Counsellor, Nair’s Hospital, Ernakulam was the resourse person. A total of 76 participants attended the session. The program begins with a prayer song by Ms Abiya Johnson and Tehilla Chloe Berson of 1st year BSc. Psychology. Ms Riya Mary Ray of 1st year BSc Psychology delivered the welcome speech. The session wound up with a vote of thanks by Ms. Athena Maria Vadakan of 1st year BSc Psychology.
Personal Development Program
Counselling cell in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized a one week (11th – 15th March, 2024) Personal Development program to improve their skills and give them confidence to navigate any life situations, from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm for selected UG 1st year and 2nd year students. Ms. Annie Thomas, Counsellor, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology was the resourse person. The program covered areas of social interactions skills, assertiveness skills, sex education and gender equity. Student participation through activities improving social interaction and assertiveness skills such as engaging in group games and acting on situations enhanced their awareness in it.
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