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Empowering Communities through Service Learning: Building Capacity for Professional Development
The Department of Psychology of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanassery organized “Empowering Communities through Service Learning: Building Capacity for Professional Development”, a skill development program for the students on 10th October 2022 in association with IQAC. On 10th, 12th, 13th and 14th of October 2022, the first and second year post graduate students of the department of psychology conducted a session on Mental Health Awareness in different schools including the Adithya Vilasam School, Thazhava, Karunagapally, MGM High school, Pampady NSS GHS & NSS BHS, Karukachal, St. Joseph’s GHSS, and St. Berchman’s HSS, Changanassery. Students from 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades participated in the programme. The outcome of the class was to create awareness on mental health, why mental health is important to us, the problems faced by students in this day and age, and various tips to take care of our mental health. By taking care of our mental health, we can grow into a healthy individual in both mind and soul.
Community Outreach Program- “Bodhi”
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology initiated a Community Outreach Program named 'BODHI'-Providing insight about mental health
. The students approached various schools and conducted awareness sessions within a span of three months. The sessions were about relevant psychological topics covering the students of age group, 3 to 18 years. On 9th December, 2022, Nithya B Nair and Amritha U Nair, visited Anganwadi students of C.No.57 Nedumkunnam focusing on the “Holistic Development of Preschool Children”. On 9th December,2022 Girisha M Biju and Almithra Binu conducted an outreach program on the topic “Management of Age Demanding Issues “for lower primary students in St. Ann's higher secondary school. Keerthana S and Tessa Antony visited NSS High School on 2nd February, 2023 focusing on high school students conducted a session on “Social Media Responsibility and its Influence on Mental Well-Being”. On 2nd February, 2023, Joel Elsa and Pheba Pulikkottil condcuted a session on the topic “Impact of Social Media on Youth '' in SB High School, Changanacherry. On 9th December, 2022, Febin George Jacob and Parvathy visited NSS HSS Thadiyoor school to provide an awareness session for the higher secondary students on the topic “Destigmatizing Mental Health''.
1.Environment Drive And Awareness
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized an Environment drive on 23rd August 2023 along with an awareness programme on 5th and 8th September 2023. The programme was conducted under the initiative of Ms. Megha Madhu of Semester 3 Batch 2 (2022-2025 batch) under the guidance of the faculty coordinator Ms. Esther Anna Joy. The programme focused on collecting plastic cans, bottles, pen refills, newspapers etc. from all of the classes of the college. The programme was in association with Adidhi Scrap Shop, Changanacherry.The student coordinator also provided an extensive awareness class on the protection of the environment to all of the classes. The outcome of the programme was to create an awareness of the protection of the environment. The awareness brought an increased sensitivity to the topic among the students.
2.World Mental Health Week- Awareness Class Programme
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology conducted an awareness class 05-10-2023, 09-10-2023 to 13-10-2023 on the occasion of 10 October which marks as World Mental Health week, which has been set aside to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone's mental health as a universal human right. The 2023 theme of World Mental Health Day is “Mental health is a universal human right”. The awareness session was handled by, first year M.Sc. Psychology students, KJCMT to the neighbourhood schools. Total of participants were taking part in the awareness class. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The sessions ended up question and answer session.
The following list depicts the schools covered by students for awareness class.
3. Out Bound Training
Post Graduate Department of Psychology, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organized a Two Day Out Bound Training Program from 15th August 2023 to 16th August 2023 The journey started from college at 9.15 pm on 14th August 2023 with a total of 69 students under the guidance of Ms. Esther Anna Joy and Ms. Jebimol Jegimon, Assistant professors, and Mr. Amal Asok, Lab Assistant, Post Graduate Department of Psychology. The group reached the college on 15th August 2023 by 3:10 am and freshen up by 7.45am. The group had breakfast and Day 1 began by trekking in Dhoni Ecotourism. The trekking was an extraordinary experience where the students had 8 km to trek to the Dhoni waterfalls. The group returned and the afternoon sessions began with different activities. The ice-breaking activities such as rope passing, rope escape, coggles, bricks and the adventure activities such as zip lining and rappelling were conducted. These activities were followed by dinner and day 1 was concluded by DJ. Day 2 started on 16th August at 8.00 am with breakfast. The group was taken for group management activities. Activities such as high tension, trust wall, pipe and ball, stretch and pick, tyre game, shooting and water activities such as trust walk, mission impossible, and jump into the pond were organized. The activities were followed by lunch and a refreshing session in the pool. The evening session started with activities such as a flight game and number game followed by fire walking. The session concluded with an appreciation session and a presentation of video for the students and glass walking. The group returned from Palakkad by 10.15 pm and reached the college back at 4.10 am on 17th August 2023.
4. Field Visit- Jimmy Institute of Multidisciplinary Physical & Intellectual Rehabilitation & Empowerment (JIMPIRE)
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organised a field visit for MSc Psychology Semester 1 & 3 students at Jimmy Institute of Multidisciplinary Physical & Intellectual Rehabilitation & Empowerment (JIMPIRE). JIMPIRE has been providing care and therapy services for differently abled children at Cheeranchira, Changanachery. The field visit had resulted in providing an exposure regarding the treatment interventions for children. As part of the field visit, JIMPIRE organized a session led by therapists of different departments for the students.
Field trip
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology conducted a Field trip to Psychopark, Thiruvananthapuram on 26 January from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The target audience of the program was UG Third year students. The students have taken formal permission from College Management, Psychology Department and respective parents to attend the programme. Faculty members Ms. Irene Joseph, Ms. Jane Sebastian, Ms. Divya S Nair, Ms. Nandana V S and Mr. Amal Asokkumar from the Psychology Department will be accompanying the students. 56 students attended the field trip. The students were guided by curators who spoke in depth about each display. They spoke eloquently and clarified the doubts raised by the students.The programme witnessed an enthusiastic response from the students, who actively participated in the event. Students got an exposure to witness the concept taught in the class in forms of stories, sculptures, videos and art works. The concepts were explained using stories and role plays. The Field trip successfully achieved its objectives and had a positive impact on the participating students.
JIMPIRE - Field Visit
The Post Graduate Department of Psychology in association with IQAC of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, Changanacherry organised a field visit for MSc Psychology Semester 1 & 3 students at Jimmy Institute of Multidisciplinary Physical & Intellectual Rehabilitation & Empowerment (JIMPIRE). JIMPIRE has been providing care and therapy services for differently abled children at Cheeranchira, Changanachery. The field visit had resulted in providing an exposure regarding the treatment interventions for children. As part of the field visit, JIMPIRE organized a session led by therapists of different departments for the students. The field visit had given an opportunity to the students to comprehend information through experiential learning. The programme had also helped to expand their knowledge on treatment interventions for child population.
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