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The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted as per the UGC Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2015. At Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, both students and faculty members are free to carry out their responsibilities without fear of harassment. Instances of any kind of sexual harassment are taken seriously, and disciplinary actions are taken by the management according to the nature and gravity of the reported case. Measures for ensuring the safety of women and programmes for gender sensitization are taken in compliance with the UGC statutes.
Internal Complaints Committee members:
Rev. Fr. Dr. Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI, Principal & Chairperson
Dr. Varghese Antony, Vice Principal & Vice Chairperson
Ms. Jerin Ann Johny, Convenor, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Ms. Anu Mercy Zachariah, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
Ms. Tincy George, Assistant Office Superintendent
Student Representatives
Mr. Amal Moncy (M.com, Sem 1)
Ms. Alita Anna Jacob (B.Sc Psychology, Sem 3)
Ms. Jotsna Shaji (B.Sc Psychology, Sem 3)
Mr. Abhishek P Suresh ( B.Com, CA, Sem 3)
Emergency number - 0481-2720696, 6235101681
One Day Orientation Programme “Koode: You Are Not Alone”
The "Koode: You are not Alone" one-day orientation programme held on October 30, 2023, for UG and PG first-year students across the entire college was a comprehensive initiative led by the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). ICC volunteers diligently visited each class, providing comprehensive orientations on the role and responsibilities of the ICC. The primary objective was to familiarize students with the ICC's role, functions, and the process of lodging grievances. The programme incorporated interactive sessions to encourage open discussions and clarify any queries regarding the ICC's role in addressing grievances related to harassment or discrimination. The UG and PG first-year students actively engaged in the orientation sessions, demonstrating a keen interest in understanding their rights, the ICC's role, and the avenues available for addressing any concerns they might encounter during their academic journey.
Seminar on “Legal Insights on Campus Safety & Grievance Redressal”
The Internal Complaints Committee and Grievance Redressal Cell organized a seminar at Kristu Jyoti College's Seminar Hall on December 11, 2023, with a significant student turnout. The seminar focused on educating students about the college's grievance redressal mechanisms and providing legal insights into filing grievances and ensuring campus safety. Renowned legal expert Adv. Sumesh Andrews served as the resource person, offering valuable information on students' rights, due process, and the legal framework governing grievance redressal in educational institutions. An interactive session allowed students to seek clarifications, and case studies illustrated practical applications. The seminar also outlined plans for future awareness campaigns and outreach programmes. The event concluded with a feedback session, encouraging participants to share their thoughts. The large attendance and engagement indicated a keen interest among students in understanding and navigating the grievance redressal process. The Grievance Redressal Cell and Internal Complaints Committee affirmed their commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive campus environment.
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