kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Management Association- CHRYSALIS

The PG Department of Management Studies at Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology started functioning as a separate department from the academic year 2011 with Prof. Thomas Mathew as the  Head of  the Department. The Management Association ‘CHRYSALIS’ was formed in the same year.

CHRYSALIS organizes many intra collegiate competitions for the students and also gives training and promotes them for higher level competitions.

Chrysalis also organizes an  Inter Collegiate Management Fest entitled ‘ARSHAVIR.  ARSHAVIR’ meaning ‘battle of blitz’ is a novel endeavor from ‘CHRYSALIS’ to create a platform for graduate students of management , to showcase their talents and prove their potential in a competitive environment.

Chrysalis also organizes a Higher Secondary Inter School Quiz Competition entitled ‘ENVISION’.