kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Placement Cell

The Placement Cell at Kristu Jyoti College takes ample efforts to aim at the employability of the youth. The placement cell bridges the gap between colleges and industries for campus placement. In KCMT, we have a well-organised and full-fledged placement cell that has a specially designated placement officer and faculty from various departments as placement coordinators. The cell coordinates with the HR departments of various corporations and MNCs and organises recruitment in the college campus. Through personality development and career guidance sessions, the Cell helps to groom students with competencies and employability skills to become part of top-notch companies.


  • To place the students in reputed firms of their own areas of interest
  • To conduct career guidance sessions and Job Fairs
  • To network with leading companies for internship and campus selections
  • To increase awareness amongst students about placement opportunities in industries and various soft skills required.