kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696

Principal’s Message

Principal's Desk

Greetings from Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology

As we enter into a new academic year of promises, challenges,new outcomes and novel ways of doing things,it is imperative to remember here that this academic year brings in its wake so many things which are forward-looking,positive,progressive and innovative in tone and tenor.First of all,it is apt to look back at the milestone,the college notched up in the academic year gone by especially the A Grade secured by the college in the NAAC accreditation process.In order to reach this tremendous achievement,the college did go through multidimensional ways and means from the very beginning onwards and these pathways put the college in the domain of vitality and strength in terms of the acquisition of various skill sets.The college inducted into its scheme of things infrastructural facilities of top class pedigree in the last two years.The college also brought into being activities of sum and substance to make the learning methodology in tune with the New Education Policy 2020.

This academic year 2024-2025 marks the introduction of the Four Year Degree Course which makes the educational system more in tandem with the practical ways of doing things.The incorporation of such a Degree Course does have to go through a lot of meandering motions but ultimately it will become an exercise of fruitful nature.


The present educational system is sprinkled with so many opportunities of stellar kinds such as the entry of Artificial Intelligence,the ample freedom given to the students in terms of meeting their educational needs,the self-learning method considered as a cornerstone of the learning process,the critical thinking being promoted as the linchpin of the educational scenario,the transdisciplinary,multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to learning,the promotion of inclusive style of learning,the acquisition of intra and interpersonal skills,the imparting of digital literacy,the learning meant to spruce up social competency and global citizenship,the learning process implemented through the realms of equity and sustainability and the consideration of learning as a lifelong experience.

Our college is so keyed up to expose our students to have learning environment which activates their latent and dormant abilities and potentialities in a considerable way.We do believe in an educational system which caters to the needs of all concerned without fear or favour.Let this new academic year shower us with plenty of blessings to pursue the cherished principles of education such as truth,tolerance,amity and peace with renewed vigour and grit.

Let the Almighty God lead you all in every step of the way.

Rev.Fr.Joshy George CMI
Principal, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology.