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The Kristu Jyoti Students Council, or KJSC, is a democratically elected student council that acts as a liaison between the student body and the college administration. The primary responsibility of a KJSC member is to advocate for and advance the students' interests within the college community. The KJSC for the academic year 2023-2024 comprises a dynamic and outstanding group of leaders who have instilled the year with a vibrant spirit, making it lively and memorable.
The Student Council (KJSC) of the college was established through a democratic election process, ensuring fair representation from every class.
To represent their peers in the Student Council, two students were chosen from each of the 39 classes. Departmental representatives were chosen from among the class representatives. Each department was represented by a male and a female representative.
Through a voting process, 11 students were chosen as executive members. These students would be instrumental in the Student Council. To make an informed choice, a "Meet the Candidate" session was held, allowing students to learn about the candidates and their proposed contributions to the council.
Following the voting, six outstanding students were selected to hold office in the Student Council. Their roles and positions are as follows:
Aditya Krishnan K U - Chairman
Devika S Panicker - Vice Chairman
Asri Najeem - General Secretary
Aarel Maria Thomas - Arts Club Secretary
Anosia Scariachen Chirayil - E-magazine Editor
Abdul Vahab C S - Sports Secretary
The entire election process was supervised by Dr. Varghese Antony, Vice Principal, and Ms. Thushara Sojan, a faculty member from the Department of Commerce.
Following their election, the newly elected office bearers of the KJSC addressed the student community. During this session, they elaborated on the functions and responsibilities of the Student Council within the college.
This democratic process ensures that the Student Council is representative of the entire student body and promotes transparency and accountability in its functioning.
Sl No | Name | Designation | Programme |
1. | Adithya Krishnan K U | Chairman | B.Com Finance and Taxation (Semester V) |
2. | Devika S Panicker | Vice Chairman | BBA (Semester III) |
3. | Asri Najeem | General Secretary | B.Sc Geology (Semester V) |
4. | Aarel Maria Thomas | Arts Club Secretary | BA English (Semester V) |
5. | Anosia Scariachen Chirayil | E-Magazine Editor | B.Com Computer Application (Semester V) |
6. | Abdul Vahab C S | Sports Secretary | B.Sc Geology (Semester III) |
7. | Hemin Varghese | Executive Council Member | B.Sc Psychology (Semester I) |
8. | Ann Therese Thomas | Executive Council Member | B.Sc Psychology (Semester III) |
9. | Rony Devasia | Executive Council Member | MA HRM (Semester I) |
10. | Stanly Babu | Executive Council Member | BCA (Semester I) |
11. | Anagha S | Executive Council Member | BCA (Semester I) |
Staff Advisors :
Sl No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Varghese Antony | Vice-Principal |
2 | Ms. Thushara Sojan | Assistant Professor |
Sl No | Name | Designation | Programme |
1. | Feba Mary Biju | Chairman | MA HRM (Semester III) |
2. | Megha Madhu | Vice Chairman | B.Sc Psychology (Semester I) |
3. | Fino Varghese | General Secretary | BBA (Semester V) |
4. | Neha Jayakumar | Arts Club Secretary | B.Sc Geology (Semester V) |
5. | Jessel Ann Jose | E-Magazine Editor | BCA (Semester I) |
6. | Abel George | Sports Secretary | B.Com Finance and Taxation (Semester III) |
7. | Merin Joseph | University Council Member | B.Com Finance and Taxation (Semester V) |
8. | Amrutha Damodaran | University Council Member | MSW (Semester I) |
Staff Advisors :
Sl No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr Joseph Sam | Vice-Principal |
2 | Ms Thushara Sojan | Assistant Professor |
Activity I
"AAROHA 2023" – the inauguration of student’s council of kristu jyoti College of Management and Technology was held on 25th September,2023 at new examination hall from 11:15 am to 1:15 pm. The event comprises of official inauguration of the council and oath taking function of various office bearers followed by the session of the Chief Guest Dr. Ruble Raj (former Principal of Marian College Kuttikanam).The program commenced with a Prayer by the college choir, followed by a welcome speech by Mr. Adithya Krishnan K U, the Chairman of the Student’s Council. The presidential address was delivered by the honourable Principal, Rev.Dr.Joshy Cheeramkuzy CMI. The event was inaugurated by the chief guest of the day Dr.Ruble Raj by lighting the lamp.There was a duet performance by Mr.Allen K Abraham and Ms.Alitta .The oath taking ceremony forms the next part of the function. Oath was administered to the members by the respected Principal Rev.Dr.Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI. Dr.Varghese Antony , Vice-Principal as well as Head of Post Graduate Department of Commerce addressed the gathering. The inauguration ceremony came to its conclusion with the words of gratitude by Ms.Asri Najeem ,the General Secretary of the Student’s Council. Dr.Anu Antony(IQAC coordinator) and Ms Thushara Sojan(Staff advisor) also attended the ceremony The most interesting part of AAROHA 2023 was the orientation session by the beloved chief guest Dr.Ruble Raj. He discussed clearly and presisely about the qualities of an effective leader. The real life situations and examples portrayed by him seems to be very fruitful in understanding the dimensions of leadership .
Activity II
In commemoration of Swachh Bharat Divas, the Student’s Council of Kristu Jyoti College conducted a ‘Paper Bag Distrbution Campaign’ on 2nd October 2023. The members of the council distributed more than seven hundred paper bags among various shops in Kurishmood and Changanacherry locality. The bags were made by the students of the college as a voluntary initiative through a participative mechanism on 26th and 27th September, 2023. The students from different departments assembled in the old examination hall to be a part of the initiative of the Student’s Council and participated wholeheartedly in paper bag making process. The students worked with great enthusiasm producing more than 700 bags.The ‘Paper Bag Distribution Campaign’ organized by Student’s Council of Kristu Jyoti College witnessed a committed student community that holds the spirit of social well-being. This initiative not only offers a platform for team work but also develops an eco-friendly message that benefits the environment and society.
Oath Taking Ceremony
The program commenced with a vibrant band performance at the college portico, setting an enthusiastic tone for the event. Following the musical interlude, the formal program started with the oath-taking ceremony for the newly elected nineteen representatives from different departments who will serve as student council members. The ceremony featured the recitation of the oath led by Principal Rev. Dr. Joshy George CMI, highlighting the responsibilities and commitments of the student council.
Wayanad Relief Fund
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the wayanad Relief Fund collection initiative launched in response to the devastating landslides and floods that affected the region.The report highlights about total amount collected,number of donors and the impact made on the affected communities.
Old Age Home Visit
Raksha Bhavan , the Council Members were offered with a chance to interact with elderly residents and learn from their experiences. The facility housed number of residents many of whom were living away from their families due to various circumstances.During the visit, we spent time talking to the elderly, listening to their stories, and sharing a few activities such as playing games, reading, distributing sweets and helping with small tasks. Their life experiences were rich with wisdom, and their gratitude for the interaction was heartwarming.
Tug of war competition
The Students Council 2024-25 conducted a Tug of War competition on behalf of Onam festival amongst both male and female students of all departments in Kristu JyotiCollege of Management and Technology on the 9th and 11th of September 2024. The event consisted of 10 teams with each team consisting of 15 members each. All the teams had a faculty in charge and clear instructions were given ahead of the competition. The completion began by 4 pm in the college portico and ended by 4:30 pm. The participants were asked to wear clothes that are comfortable during the match and were also asked to wear shoes according to their comfort. Students from 1st, 2nd and final years joined together to form a single team. The preliminary round which was the knock out session was conducted on the first day out of which 2 teams (male) and 2 teams (female) qualified into the next day for the finals.
Leadership Training Program : LEAD 2.0
The event which was conducted in association with Team Inspire and Srishti. It was a two day training program which was a huge learning platform for all the students. The different types of leaderships, the need for future leaders and how to be an ideal leader was discussed in the training session. On the first day more number of ice breaker sessions were conducted along with experience sharing and thought provoking tasks. The session was more than just an introduction; it was the first step in fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among the future leaders of the college. Through carefully curated activities, the program aimed to break down barriers, build trust, and create a foundation for effective teamwork.
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