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Lurra, the Geology student association of Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology, prefers and encourages students in understanding earth and its processes by applying critical thinking skills and basic observational skills. The association involved in the planning and execution of student centric programmes for the progress of students in the subject area.
The geology association aims to enhance the knowledge of students in the subject along with overall development of their abilities in extracurricular aspects. Geotalks-the Geology Lecture Series, exhibitions, coaching in JAM entrance exams and conduct of various cultural, social and value based activities are part of the association. Webinars and Geotalks are platforms where geology students meet and interact with renowned academicians and scientists. The geology exhibitions meant to provide students with a large platform to showcase and present their talent in public.
Quizzing is an art and a test of knowledge. The Quiz club of the Department of Geology, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology aims at create a group of young minds with quizzing talent and provide them with the opportunity to participate in state and national level competitions. The objective of the Quizzes are to promote healthy competitions and harmony among students. Geo Quiz designed for competitions in intra department and inter department level and lend hands to beginners and lead them to the world of knowledge. The Quiz club help students to learn from each other.
The Department of Geology, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology in collaboration with IQAC inaugurated the in-house quiz club, ‘Geo Quiz’ virtually on June 5that 10 am in connection with the celebrations of World Environment Day. Dr. Benno Joseph, Head of the Department, graciously inaugurated the Quiz Club. He delivered an inaugural speech giving an insight on the importance of quiz club in a college. The inaugural ceremony was followed by the final round of the quiz competition conducted in the same week.
The department of Geology, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology conducted a virtual inter department Quiz Competition, “Prueba 2021” with the purpose of observing the day. The competition was held in two rounds for the students from different departments. The preliminary round was held on 28th May 2021through Google Meet. A total number of 26 students participated in the competition. The student coordinators prepared the questions covering various subjects including History, Geography, Politics and Science. One of the student coordinators, Ms. Aparna V. Sabu took up the role of the quizmaster and she announced the rules of the competition. The contestants enthusiastically took part in the competition as well as proved their prowess in world knowledge. The best six who scored the maximum points were selected for the final round.
The final round of the Quiz commenced on June 5th through the virtual platform Google Meet. Contestants who cleared the preliminary round partook in the finals. The finals consisted of four rounds. The rules were read out and the contestants were asked to turn on their videos and audios when their turn came up. The first stage of the competition being the rapid fire round started at 10.30 am. In this round the spontaneity of the participants were tested. The contestants were asked five set of questions each. In the second round they were asked to guess a famous personality using the clues provided. The third round was the logo guess round where the contestants were asked to identify the brand the logo represented. The final round was the ‘Scattergories’ where they were asked to randomly select a number displayed on the screen that represented various fields from which questions will be given. The competition lasted for 3 hrs. The participants exuberantly engaged in the session so as to showcase their expertise. The contestants who scored the maximum points were declared the winners. Aiswarya Raju from BCOM CA1 (Semester 2) and Anandhu Anilkumar from BBA (Semester 6) bagged the first and second prizes respectively.
Dr. Benno Joseph, Head of the Department of Geology, officially Inaugurating the Quiz Club of Geology -Geo Quiz