kjc@kjcmt.ac.in 0481 -2720696


The Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Kristu Jyoti College of Management and Technology organized a series of virtual alumni meet in 2021. Virtual events and bringing people together in the comfort of their homes is a pre-requisite to a program, small gatherings of like-minded people. With the recent spread of Corona virus and work from home policies being implemented, this is an opportunity to rethink your digital strategy around virtual events that’s how virtual alumni meet was conducted. The alumni joined from different parts of the world which would have been otherwise impossible. Alumni network has a real life benefit for current students. Alumni also donate their valuable time to offer career support to current students. This enhances the students’ experience and gives them that competitive edge in today's tough job market. Alumni can help students get placed at their respective organizations.


  • To foster the sense of community among the alumni
  • Supporting the connectedness back to their alma-mater
  • To plan organise and coordinate alumni association activities and development of sustainability
  • To form a network of former graduates to raise the profile of the institution
  • To promote and encourage a continuing interest and loyalty towards the college
  • To focus on the fundraising for association activities for to plan and design association services for the students
  • To bring together alumni from all parts of the world through virtual meet.
  • To help find how alumni could help future students. eg.fund scholarships
  • Alumni associations offer network opportunities, which can connect recent graduates with established professionals and help people pursue career changes
  • To enhance the students ‘alumni networks to maintain LinkedIn groups or connect through member databases.